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Julie Parrish
Oregon Ballot Measure Could Fight Toll Roads
Effort to require voter approval of any new toll roads proceeds to signature gathering stage in Oregon.

An effort to require voter approval for toll roads in Oregon has passed its first hurdle. The state attorney general is accepting public comment through Monday on a proposed constitutional amendment meant to thwart the current push to raise billions from motorists by charging for the use of roads that have already been built. Once the attorney general signs off, supporters can begin the statewide effort to gather the 117,578 signatures needed to qualify for the November 3, 2020 ballot. State ...

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Pam Bondi
Florida AG Takes On Toll Road PlatePass Fees
PlatePass toll road fines called fraudulent in lawsuit filed by Florida attorney general.

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Gas pump
Special Interests Spend Big To Save California Gas Tax
Gas tax enthusiasts outspend opponents 4-to-1 in battle to convince California voters to keep a $5.1 billion increase.

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Judge Virginia M. Kendall
Ex-Wife Of Red Light Camera Convict Wins Payday
Federal judge sides with claim of ex-wife to pension fund contributions from Chicago, Illinois official who took Redflex bribes.

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Antispeed camera poster
France, Italy, Russia: Speed Cameras Burned, Bashed, Blinded
Speed cameras in France, Italy and Russia came under fire -- and spraypaint -- last week.

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