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Anticor PNF logo
French Government Investigates Speed Camera Corruption
French financial prosecutor opens formal investigation into corruption allegation involving a speed camera company.

France's National Financial Prosecutor on Wednesday began investigating allegations of corruption surrounding speed camera equipment contracts. Anticor, a government watchdog group, filed a complaint earlier this year after discovering that government officials had awarded sweetheart deals to radar car provider Fareco. According to Anticor, Fareco was first awarded a 24 million euro (US $28 million) contract in 2012 to provide next-generation "mobile-mobile rad ...

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School bus
Dallas, Texas Signs School Bus Camera Deal
Dallas County, Texas decides to keep school bus cameras despite school bus camera scandal that brought down Dallas County Schools.

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Iowa DOT enforcement
Iowa Supreme Court Considers Shutting Down DOT Speeding Tickets
Iowa Supreme Court to decide whether state Department of Transportation employees can issue speeding tickets under citizen arrest authority.

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Intersection from Google Maps
Illinois Appellate Court Declares Wide Left Turns Legal
Illinois Appellate Court says police cannot stop motorists for making wide left-hand turns.

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Sliced Italian speed camera
France, Italy: More Speed Cameras Tagged
Vigilantes continued their relentless campaign against speed cameras in France while devices in Italy were sliced and smashed.

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