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US Supreme Court
US Supreme Court Upholds Ride Sharing Privacy
Rental car drivers, even those not authorized on the rental agreement, may not be searched without a warrant by police.

1Drivers of borrowed vehicles cannot be pulled over and searched without probable cause, the US Supreme Court unanimously ruled on Monday. Justice Anthony Kennedy delivered the opinion of the court that police may not randomly search rental cars simply because the drivers do not own the vehicle. "The court now holds that, as a general rule, someone in otherwise lawful possession and control of a rental car has a reasonable expectation of privacy in it even if the rental agreement does not lis ...

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Strasbourg chicken
Australia, Finland, France, Germany, UK: Speed Cameras Thwarted
Dozens of speed cameras were eliminated in Australia and Europe last week, and a man in a chicken costume led a protest in France.

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FBI arrest
Maryland, Virginia Schools Continue With School Bus Cameras
Despite federal corruption scandal with school bus cameras, local governments continues with auomated bus ticketing programs.

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License plate frame
Florida Court Outlaws License Plate Frames
Florida Court of Appeal finds common, dealer-issued license plate frames are illegal.

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Roadblock photo by ChrisDag/Flickr
New Hampshire Court Strikes Down Interstate Roadblock
Federal roadblock set up on interstate highway declared unconstitutional by New Hampshire judge.

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