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Federal Stats Show Alcohol, Seatbelt Use More Relevant Than Speed
US Department of Transportation statistics demonstrate driving sober, buckled up and in an SUV has more impact on safety than speed.

Federal traffic fatality data released last week confirm that drinking, shifting demographics and seat belt use are the factors with the greatest impact on road safety. The new data show traffic fatalities continue to fall from the pre-recession peak of 1.46 deaths per hundred million miles traveled in 2005. Last year, the figure was 1.17. The preliminary 2017 number does represent an increase over the all-time low of 1.08 in 2014. In their attempt to keep those figures as low as possible, f ...

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French spraypainted speed camera
France, Gemany, Italy, UK: Speed Cameras Painted, Pummelled
Dozens of speed cameras across Europe were taken out of service last week.

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Florida Supreme Court
Florida Supreme Court Spikes Red Light Camera Challenge
Florida Supreme Court sees no problem with local use of red light cameras.

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Keep right
Washington Appeals Court Busts Left Lane Bandit
Conviction upheld for man who drove in the left lane without passing in Washington state.

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Iowa Supreme Court
Iowa Supreme Court Ruling Means Gridlock Saves Speed Cams
Pro-speed camera ruling by Iowa Supreme Court effectively guarantees no limit on municipal use of the devices on freeways.

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