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Glanville, France speed camera
France: Speed Cameras Covered, Burned, Sprayed
Fire, plastic and paint kept over a dozen speed cameras from issuing tickets in France last week.

On Saturday, vigilantes in Glanville, France, torched the speed camera on the RD45 using branches and an old tire, Ouest France reported. In Mamirolle, the newly installed camera on the RN57 was spraypainted black last week Sunday. According to read more >> 

Speed trap
Towns Seek Speed Trap Cash From Group That Profits From Tickets
The National Safety Council generates revenue from speeding ticket awareness courses, then gives cities grant funding to issue more tickets.

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Michael Biondi
Florida Gang Unit Cops May Not Write Seatbelt Tickets
Florida Appeals Court says local cop working on a county task force may not write traffic tickets outside of his normal jurisdiction.

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ALPR laptop
Minnesota Lawmakers Want To Audit License Plate Cameras
Minnesota state lawmakers push to update existing audit requirements for police departments using license plate cameras.

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Pennsylvania Turnpike
Trucking, Automobile Groups Team Up Against Pennsylvania Toll Road
National Motorists Association and Owner Operator Independent Drivers Association demand refunds for excessive tolls on the Pennsylvania Turnpike.

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