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Corsican speed camera
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Wrapped, Painted, Stoned
Stones, spraypaint and trashbags kept speed cameras from operating in France and Italy last week.

In Maimrolle, France, officials were anxious to see the a large number of tickets generated by a speed camera newly installed on the RN57 last Tuesday. The feeling did not last long, as vigilantes blinded the device with black spraypaint on Friday, L'Est Republicain reported. Green was the color of choice to disable the speed camera in Souain-Perthes-les-Hu ...

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I-64 in Newport News
Motoring Group Asks Feds To Stop Funding Ticket Traps
National Motorists Association urges NHTSA to refuse speed trap funding to cities that fail to adhere to federal speed limit regulations.

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Feds Try To Restore Confidence In Drugged Driver Survey
Government Accountability Office report concludes changes to controversial roadside drug testing program are good enough.

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Aaron M. Rosenberg
Federal Appeals Court Denies Camera Exec Demand For Reward
Seventh Circuit US Court of Appeals rejects $2.3 million reward demand from former Redflex executive vice president.

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New Miami
Ohio Town Cannot Survive Without Speed Camera Revenue
Monetary concern drives New Miami challenge to speed camera ruling before the Ohio Supreme Court.

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