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Lamar Wright
Tasered Motorist Sues Ohio Town
Motorist sues Euclid, Ohio police after he is tasered and pepper sprayed for pulling into a driveway to make a phone call.

Motorist Lamar Wright wants compensation from the city of Euclid, Ohio after he was ripped out of his automobile and tasered after he had pulled into a driveway to use his cell phone. In a lawsuit filed last week, Wright says he was maliciously charged with resisting arrest, obstructing officers and trespassing. All the charges were ultimately dropped because, he says, he did nothing wrong. On November 4, 2016, Wright pulled into a driveway to call his girlfriend. From his perspective, he saw ...

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Brice, Ohio
Ohio Speed Trap Town Busted By State Auditor
Brice, Ohio generates 73 percent of its revenue from speed cameras but fails to properly track the citations.

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Trooper Justin Summa
Pennsylvania Cops Settle After Sober Man Jailed For DUI
Man spent five months in prison after being falsely accused of drunk driving by Pennsylvania state trooper.

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Fallen Italian speed camera
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Knocked Over, Painted
French speed cameras were spraypainted last week while an Italian one tumbled.

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National Motorists Association Takes On Ride Sharing Privacy
Motorist rights group asks US Supreme Court to uphold privacy rights as new forms of car sharing and ride sharing emerge.

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