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Smog Check
Report Finds Smog Checks Pointless With Modern Cars
Forcing millions of California motorists to undergo regular emissions inspections has had no measurable impact on air quality.

Modern engine technology has made regular emissions testing an exercise of dubious value. That was the finding of the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER) in a report released last month. Researchers compared air quality data from California with the results of inspection station records to conclude that the government-mandated inspection program has had no effect on pollution levels. Federal law says jurisdictions with air quality problems must adopt mitigation measures, which can inc ...

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Justice Debra Todd
Pennsylvania Supreme Court Rejects Idea That Looking At GPS Is Suspicious
Motorists should not be subject to a police interrogation for pulling over to program their GPS, Pennsylvania Supreme Court rules.

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Duke speed camera
Duke University Increases Control Over Red Light Camera Company
Duke University and allies increase their control over photo ticketing vendor Redflex Traffic Systems.

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Bulgarian speed camera
Bulgaria: Speed Cameras Speared
A pickax was used against a speed camera in Sofia, Bulgaria last week.

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Shreveport squad car
Louisiana: Black Motorist Beaten For Pulling Over In Safe Location
Waiting to pull over in a safe, well-lit location resulted in police beat down for a black motorist in Shreveport, Louisiana.

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