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Grace Family Church
California Supremes: Church Not Responsible For Jaywalking Parishoners
California Supreme Court says a property owner is not liable for hazards on nearby public streets.

The Grace Family Church in North Highlands, California is not responsible for a traffic accident that happened when a visitor crossed the street to attend services. The state's highest court on Monday denied Aleksandr Vasilenko's attempt to blame the Slavic Baptist church for injuries suffered while jaywalking on a nearby street. On November 19, 2010, Vasilenko pulled into the packed main parking lot at the church's previous location in Carmichael. A volunteer attendant told him he had to par ...

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Sleepy driver
Sleepy Drivers Kill More Than Red Light Runners
Federal statistics show more people are killed by drivers asleep at the wheel than by those exceeding the speed limit or running a red light.

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Austrian speed camera van
Austria, France, Saudi Arabia: Speed Cameras Egged, Spraypainted, Scorched
Eggs, fire and spraypaint were used to take out speed cameras in Europe and the Middle East last week.

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Solomon Curve
Government Study In 1964 Revealed Dangerously Slow Drivers
Report from precursor to US Department of Transportation found driving slower than the flow of traffic is dangerous.

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Driving simulator
Study Finds New Traffic Signal Feature Improves Traffic Flow
Study finds traffic flow improves when drivers know that the traffic light is about to turn green.

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