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Double yellow
New Jersey: No Getting Around Crawling Vehicles
Appellate ruling in New Jersey says motorists may never cross double yellow lines, even to get around a car crawling well below the speed limit.

When courts interpret traffic laws, it is almost always in the context of a drug case or other serious felony. The legal costs involved at the appellate level make it generally not worth the risk with low-stakes cases such speeding or illegal passing. Last week, New Jersey's second highest court had the chance to decide a case based on its interpretation of the passing statute, without any other considerations involved. Motorist Albert J. Fields Jr faced no other consequences than the $93 that t ...

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Federal crash test
Federal Rules Add $2100 To Cost Of New Cars
US Department of Transportation report calculates federal safety regulations increase car prices by $2100 and weight by 171 pounds.

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Belgian speed camera painted
Belgium, France: Speed Cameras Painted, Burned
Vigilantes in Belgium and France use white paint and gasoline to disable and destroy a pair of speed cameras.

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Passing signs
Texas: Federal Court Upholds Rights Of Left-Lane Bandits
Federal judge says Texas drivers hogging the left lane can only be stopped if a specific sign is posted.

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Gary L. Richardson
Oklahoma Supreme Court Backs Car Tax Hike
Electric vehicle owners will pay less, but new vehicle buyers will pay more under Oklahoma Supreme Court ruling.

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