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Kansas Supreme Court
Kansas Supreme Court Throws Out Search Ruse
Pleasant conversation during a roadside traffic stop does not make police detention voluntary, Kansas Supreme Court ruled.

Police often employ tricks to convince motorists stopped for minor traffic offenses to consent to vehicle searches. The Kansas Supreme Court said on Friday that these tactics were unacceptable in the case of Gerald E. Cleverly Jr, who was a passenger in a pickup truck pulled over in El Dorado on January 30, 2012. Chris Jones was driving the truck without a seatbelt, so Officer Brent Michael Buckley saw a chance to write a ticket. Another officer, Sam Humig, pulled up to the scene and began qu ...

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Toppled Italian speed camera
Maryland, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Decorated, Destroyed
Maryland speed camera involved in near-fatal collision while French and Italian cameras were burned and painted last week.

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New Redflex logo
Redflex Losses Expected To Mount In 2017
Scandals and increasing distrust of automated ticketing machines ensure Redflex will continue to lose money in the new year.

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Bob Marshall
Virginia Delegate Slams Annual $23,000 Toll Road Fees
Plan to turn Interstate 66 into a toll road could cost Virginia commuters up to $23,000 per year.

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Joseph Senn
Nebraska Supreme Court Says Gun In A U-Haul Requires Permit
If a gun is in a vehicle, even outside of reach, it constitutes concealed carry under Nebraska Supreme Court ruling.

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