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John Franklin
Vista, California Dumps Red Light Cameras
Another California city decides to pull the plug on its red light camera program.

Many California cities that experimented with red light cameras have experienced regret. Last week, Vista became the latest municipality to terminate its contract with Redflex Traffic Systems of Australia, the embattled camera operator. By a vote of 3 to 2, the council agreed to take the cameras down at the end of the year. Councilman John Franklin led the camera removal effort, arguing the $4 million worth of citations that Redflex issued removed too much money from the local economy. "Th ...

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Trashed speed camera in Italy
France, Italy, Russia: Speed Cameras Disabled
Multiple speed cameras around the world were taken out of action last week.

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Kelli B. Hastings
Florida Appellate Panel Considers Red Light Camera Case
Legal battle seeks to put a stop to red light camera ticketing in Orange County, Florida.

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495 Toll Lanes
Virginia: Overcharged Toll Road Customers Win $1.3 Million Settlement
Excessive fees settlement forces Virginia toll road operator to reform the way it deals with unpaid tolls.

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Bogus parking ticket
Louisiana: Inspector General Identifies 8900 Bogus Parking Tickets
Inspector general for New Orleans, Louisiana documents 8900 cases of innocent motorists receiving parking tickets every year.

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