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Toyota Camry
Federal Appeals Court Makes Looking Fast A Crime
US Court of Appeals upholds traffic stop where a police officer said the car looked like it was traveling at a high rate of speed.

If a police officer sees a vehicle that looks like it might be traveling fast, he can pull it over and issue a ticket for speeding. That was the finding of the Eleventh Circuit US Court of Appeals in a September 30 ruling that upheld the July 19, 2013 traffic stop that landed Isaac Dillard Wilson, 35, in hot water. It was 10:30pm in Tallahassee when Officer Patrick Coney spotted a Toyota Camry headed westbound on Orange Avenue before turning left onto South Adams Street. Officer Coney at the ...

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Mobile speed camera sign
Russia, France: Speed Cameras Swiped, Spraypainted
Vigilantes in Russia and France took several speed cameras out of service last week.

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PToll app
Toll Collector Battles To Stop Rental Car Fee-Avoidance App
Federal appeals court to hear case that could block smartphone app that saves automobile renters from paying hefty toll road fees.

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Joao patent vs. ATS
Red Light Camera Company Beats Patent Troll
Federal judge sides with American Traffic Solutions in denying the claim of a notorious patent troll.

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Gov Chris Christie
New Jersey To Up Gas Tax By 23 Cents Per Gallon
New Jersey, the most heavily tolled state in the nation, plans to hike its gas tax by 158 percent.

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