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Befouled speed camera
France: Speed Cameras Burned, Besmirched
French vigilantes set fire to one speed camera and cover the other in excrement.

Vigilantes in Rouvrois-sur-Othain, France burned a speed camera on Monday. According to Est Republicain, the same automated ticketing machine on the RD618 had been spraypainted in January 2014 and burned in December 2015. In Lot-et-Garonne, the speed camera on the RD911 was smeared with excrement last Tuesday, read more >> 

Photo Enforcement Shut Down In Arizona
Most Arizona cities confirm that they are no longer issuing speed camera or red light camera tickets.

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GAO report cover
2015 Government Report Questions Vehicle Inspection Value
Government Accountability Office concludes that state vehicle inspection programs waste motorist time and money.

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Redflex bribe money
Convicted Chicago Official Wants Redflex Exec To Pay Bribery Fine
Former Chicago, Illinois transportation official seeks to overturn guilty verdict in his red light camera bribery trial.

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French bus in Ain
French Supreme Court Throws Out Inaccurate Speed Camera Tickets
Highest court in France tosses photo radar tickets issued to school buses accused of reaching impossible speeds.

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