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White spraypainted French camera
France: Speed Cameras Blinded
Red, white and black spraypaint keep French speed cameras from issuing citations.

Vigilantes in France have stopped several speed cameras from issuing tickets with nothing more than a few cans of spraypaint. In Alpes-Maritimes, officials have been using a high-tech armored mobile speed camera platform designed to resist vandalism. The expensive automated ticketing machine on the Route de la Moyenne Corniche was foiled nonetheless by a coat of black spraypaint over its lens. By Thursday, officials had the device repaired and redeployed, read more >> 

Tennessee: Passing Sobriety Tests Can Still Result In DUI
A motorist who performs extremely well on field sobriety tests can still be arrested for drunk driving.

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Hawaii Supreme Court
Hawaii Supreme Court Tosses Another Laser Speed Ticket
Lidar speed reading found to be of dubious accuracy in Hawaii Supreme Court ruling.

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New Mexico: Another Settlement Costs Redflex $3 Million
Redflex and Creditwatch to pay $3.5 million for using robocalls to collect on unpaid red light camera tickets in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

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Seized cash
Government To Seize Red Light Camera Bribery Cash
Prosecutors ask judge to confiscate $680,107 in bribes that Redflex Traffic Systems handed to a Chicago, Illinois transportation official.

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