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Skid marks
UK Analysis Identifies Speed Camera Danger
Telematics firm reports that panic braking increases up to eleven-fold near within 50 yards of a speed camera in the UK.

The most dangerous place to be on a British road is near a speed camera, according to a new analysis of vehicle telemetry data. Wunelli, a subsidiary of LexisNexis, used its vehicle monitoring technology to document how motorists hit the brakes excessively when approaching 80 percent of the UK's speed camera locations. "These findings question whether speed cameras are serving their purpose as a road safety tool or whether they are instead encouraging poor driving behavior," Wunelli founding ...

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HR 3763
US House Committee Scales Back Tolling, Expands Speed Cameras
Congressional committee approves federal grant funding for school zone speed cameras; adds new restrictions on tolling interstate highways.

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Velo OK speed camera burned
France, Italy: Speed Cameras Blown Up, Burned
Vigilantes blow up, smash and set fire to speed cameras in France and Italy.

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Attorney General Mark R. Herring
Virginia Attorney General Shuts Down School Bus Cameras
Opinion from Virginia attorney general confirms that school bus cameras have been illegally mailing citations to motorists.

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Blood draw
Minnesota: DUI Blood Draw Refusal Cannot Be Criminalized
Minnesota Court of Appeals strikes down law criminalizing DUI blood test refusal as unconstitutional.

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