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Redflex tumble
Redflex Bounces Back Overseas, Quarterly Losses Down
Scandal-plagued red light camera firm sees a brighter future in Europe and Australia as US fortunes continue to tumble.

Redflex told Australian investors on Tuesday that rumors of its demise were exaggerated. The red light camera and speed camera firm reported a net loss of just $1.1 million in the first quarter of the 2016 fiscal year -- a significant improvement from the previous year's $3.1 million loss. "The company has been focused on the development of new revenue streams enabled both by new product development and successful entry into new geographic markets," Redflex told investors in a statement. "The ...

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John Raphael
Federal Prosecutors Reveal Another Redflex Guilty Plea
By turning against Redflex, former red light camera executive escapes prison for bribery.

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Argentina speed camera
Argentina, France, UK: Speed Cameras Tipped, Torched
Cameras are knocked over and set on fire in Argentina, England and France.

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Traffic stop
New Jersey Supreme Court Enhances Warrantless Auto Searches
New Jersey dispenses with warrant requirement for roadside searches because police claim it is too burdensome.

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Road diet
Feds To Spend Gas Tax Money To Increase Congestion
Federal Highway Administration loosens regulations to encourage road diets and bicycle paths to slash space used by motorists.

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