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Martin A. Sandoval
Indictments Begin In Second Illinois Red Light Camera Scandal
Powerful Illinois lawmaker charged with taking bribes to support red light cameras.

Federal prosecutors on Monday charged the Illinois state Senate Transportation Committee chairman with taking bribes in return for favorable action on red light camera legislation. Martin A. Sandoval will appear later today before US District Judge Andrea R. Wood to answer the two-count indictment brought by US Attorney John R. Lausch Jr. "Martin A. Sandoval, defendant herein, as an agent of the state of Illinois, namely a state senator and chairman of the Senate Transportation Committee... ...

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Toppled Italian speed camera
Canada, France, Italy: Speed Cameras Offline
Vigilantes in Canada and Europe ensured a handful of automated ticketing machines would no longer work last week.

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Petersburg police car
Virginia Supreme Court Blocks Search Over Speeding
Virginia Supreme Court finds it unlawful for a police officer to search a purse over an allegation of speeding.

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Jesse Young
Washington State Lawmaker Wants To Uphold Public Vote On Car Fees
Republicans in Washington state seek to pressure Democrats into reducing car registration fees by forcing vote to uphold a voter-passed initiative.

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Datamaster DMT
Michigan State Police Uncovers Breathalyzer Fraud
Technicians accused of falsifying documents that certified the accuracy of breathalyzer devices in Michigan.

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