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Toppled Italian speed camera
France: Vigilantes Winning War Against Speed Cameras
Next-generation speed cameras are being destroyed faster than they can be deployed in France.

French officials were convinced that mounting speed cameras high atop poles would keep them from being attacked. The government committed to replacing every existing photo radar installation with these next-generation "turret" speed cameras only to learn that the devices are being destroyed faster than they are deployed. According to the experts at

Chevy Impala
Federal Judge: Police Lie About Traffic Offense Cannot Be Reasonable
After officer claimed he saw an illegal lane change, judge looks at dashcam and sees good driving habits.

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Robert F. Rennebaum
Red Light Camera Engineer Banned In North Carolina
North Carolina engineering board suspends the license of engineer over misconduct related to red light cameras.

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Virginia General Assembly
Virginia: New Democratic Majority Pushes Speed Cameras
Leadership of the Virginia General Assembly endorses measures that would deploy speed cameras on highways and local streets.

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Wrapped speed camera
France: Speed Cameras Under Siege
Vigilantes destroyed or damaged about a dozen speed cameras in France last week.

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