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US Supreme Court Takes Up Motorist Shooting Case
High court to decide whether it is ok to shoot innocent motorists as long as they are not killed right away.

The US Supreme Court is poised to decide whether police can be held accountable for shooting an innocent motorist. The high court justices agreed to take up the case of Roxanne Torres, who was shot twice by Albuquerque, New Mexico police as she sat in her Toyota in an apartment parking lot on July 15, 2014, after having dropped off a friend. Four New Mexico state police officers had staked out the area, hoping to serve a warrant on Kayenta Jackson. Officers Janice Madrid and Richard Williamso ...

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Iowa Supreme Court
Iowa Supreme Court Rejects Speed Camera Transparency
Iowa Supreme Court declares speed camera tickets are not driving violations to avoid naming individuals immune from receiving photo citations.

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Susana A. Mendoza
Illinois Comptroller Makes Photo Ticket Payment Optional
Citing red light camera corruption, Illinois comptroller refuses to garnish tax refunds to help municipalities collect unpaid photo tickets.

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DC red light camera
DC, France, Malta: Automated Ticketing Machines Downed
Accidents and vigilante action took out speed cameras in Washington DC, France and Malta last week.

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Speed camera
Special Interest Groups Push Repeal Of Federal Speed Camera Funding Ban
Groups that make money from speed cameras want Congress to repeal a ban on taxpayer subsidies for photo radar companies.

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