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East Liverpool citizen poster
Ohio Judge Suppresses Results Of Anti-Speed Camera Election
East Liverpool, Ohio votes against speed cameras will not be counted -- for now.

The people of East Liverpool, Ohio voted Tuesday on an anti-speed camera referendum, but those votes will not be counted -- at least for now. Columbiana County Common Pleas Judge Scott A. Washam intervened in the election to prevent the public's decision at the ballot box from being revealed. Residents of the notorious speed trap town have tried for more than a year to get their measure on the ballot only to be thwarted by legal challenges from city officials who want to save the lucrative progr ...

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US Supreme Court
US Supreme Court Takes Up the Owner Is The Driver Presumption
US Supreme Court debates one of the key principles underlying the use of red light and speed cameras.

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Senator Chuck Schumer
US Senate Minority Leader Promotes Bus Cameras
Top US Senate Democrat calls for mandatory federal funding of school bus camera companies.

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Italian speed camera shotgunned
France, Germany, Italy: Speed Cameras Destroyed, Blocked, Blinded
Attacks on French speed cameras multiply as Yellow Vest anniversary nears. Devices also damaged in Germany, Italy.

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Mayor Anthony Togliatti
Ohio Speed Trap Town Retaliates Against Cop
Police lieutenant sues Independence, Ohio after he is accused of exposing an illegal traffic ticket quota.

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