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Red light camera ticket
Texas City Misleads Public On Red Light Camera Payments
Leon Valley, Texas allows red light camera company to make false threats to encourage payment of tickets.

The Texas legislature almost entirely banned the use of red light cameras in June. The exception -- snuck in by lawmakers favorably disposed to the automated ticketing industry -- allowed ticketing to continue only in those in cities that specifically drafted contracts that locked in long-term deals to get around anticipated ban legislation. Lawmakers who opposed cameras allowed this particular provision to slide by inserting a provision of their own making paymen ...

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Redflex red ink
Redflex Paints $8.6 Million Loss As A Win
Australian photo ticketing vendor Redflex Traffic Systems enters the sixth straight year of profitless operation.

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Raul Mas Canosa
Florida Lawsuit Against License Plate Readers Advances
Florida judge allows lawsuit against license plate readers in Coral Gables to proceed.

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Torched French speed camera
Australia, France, UK: Speed Cameras In Flames
As the November 17 anniversary of the Yellow Vest movement in France approaches, speed camera attacks are on the rise.

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Ohio Supreme Court
Ohio Supreme Court Approves Traffic Stops Based On Color
Ohio police can stop a black car if it is registered as a white vehicle under a state Supreme Court ruling.

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