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Weekly Standard Expose on Camera Enforcement
The five-part expose on camera enforcement by Weekly Standard author Matt Labash.

Matt LabashMatt Labash writes a five part series exposing the major flaws in the red light and speed camera enforcement programs in the District of Columbia, Maryland, and other locations. A must read.

Article Excerpt:
Curious about some of Retting's crash conclusions, the National Motorists Association's Jim Kadison secured accident data for the red-light-camera intersections Retting used in his latest Oxnard report. Retting had estimated that the use of red-light cameras had resulted in a tiny 3 percent increase in rear-enders at all signalized intersections. But after expanding the definition of an intersection to include 100 feet into the approaches, where rear-end accidents would logically occur, Kadison found that during the time of Retting's study, rear-end crashes at red-light camera intersections increased from 18 (before installation) to 156, for a total rear-end accident increase of 767 percent.
Source: Inside the District's Red Lights (Weekly Standard, 4/1/2002)

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