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ACS Pays $500,000 to Land DC Camera Contract
ACS has paid $500,000 to land a contract with Washington, DC that has already brought them $17 million in revenue.

ACS logo
ACS, already under fire for shady attempts to influence officials responsible for the Edmonton, Canada photo radar contract is now on the hotseat for tactics used in Washington, D.C. Lobbying disclosure reports reveal that the company has paid at least $500,000 to hire two lobbyists with close connections to the city's mayor, Anthony Williams. One was the mayor's former deputy chief of staff, the other was a fundraiser for the city council. Both make significant political donations to the mayor. In return for this investment, according to the U.S. Government Accountability Office, ACS received more than $17 million in payments from the District between 1999 and 2002. Since the GAO audit, D.C. has tripled its camera income,

Article Excerpt:
From 2000 through the first half of 2004, ACS reported that it had paid Mr. Pearson $404,434 -- $350,000 of which covered his retainer -- for "various parking and transportation-related issues." ACS also has a contract to process parking tickets for the District.
Meanwhile, Mr. Brown reported in previous disclosure statements that he is paid $5,000 per month to lobby for ACS and that he has made at least $60,000 for his efforts, according to records.
Source: D.C. insiders lobby for cameras (Washington Times, 1/24/2005)

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