DC Camera Lobbyist Gets No-Bid Contract from CityThe lobbyist for ACS' red light camera contract in Washington, D.C. also receives lucrative no-bid contracts with the city.

The top lobbyist on behalf of the District's red light camera contractor ACS also receives hundreds of thousands of dollars from the very city he is lobbying.
ACS has paid $500,000 to lobbyists who make political donations to Washington, D.C. city officials. Max Brown, a former aide to District Mayor Anthony Williams, is one of ACS' top lobbyists.
Since 2001, Brown's firm, Group 360, has received $688,000 from the D.C. government agencies, half if this amount coming from no-bid contracts. The majority of the money also comes from the city's Chief Technology Officer -- the same city official he was paid by ACS to lobby on behalf of red light cameras.
Article Excerpt:
"I am a bloodhound when it comes to chasing contracts. And on the lobbying stuff, I am a Sherpa making sure that people don't step into a crevasse," Brown said in an interview.Source: For Inside Player, D.C. Contacts Pay Off (Washington Post, 2/13/2005)
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