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Utah Turns Down a Return to Photo Radar
The Utah House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee voted 6-3 to kill a bill that would have revived photo radar.

Utah Legislature
Although three cities in Utah experimented with speed cameras in the mid-90's, the program proved so unpopular that the legislature effectively killed the devices in 1996. On Monday, the Utah House Law Enforcement and Criminal Justice Committee turned back an attempt to revive the photo radar and red light camera program with a 6-3 vote.

A previous attempt to revive camera enforcement failed in 1998.

Article Excerpt:
Salt Lake resident Dalane England believes HB219 would violate her right to confront an accuser. "This country was founded on freedom and liberty, this country was not founded for safety or security," England said. "People are going to die if we drive automobiles." Rep. Michael T. Morley, R-Spanish Fork, said evidence of guilt should not lie within a photo.
Source: PhotoCop Bill Dies in Committee (Associated Press, 2/15/2005)

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